There is so much that architecture school does not teach us. This is my take on the crucial ‘missing piece’:
Who are you, deep down?
In the course of our lives, we build layers of conditioning around us. We come to believe that these layers are who we really are. But — they’re layers. So the question is: What’s underneath these layers? This is the quest, the adventure, the great challenge!
Who are you really?
The path of discovering — or rather, re-membering — your truth is the path of self-awareness. You can explore who you are through the most mundane tasks and occurrences at architecture school and in your daily life. By becoming conscious of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs, you develop a sense of what makes you ‘tick’. By re-framing your experiences, you choose what lessons you wish to learn. By discovering your strengths, capacities, passions and gifts, you awaken your inner power and sense of service.
By meeting yourself more deeply, you come to meet the world around you more deeply.
Architecture studies are a precious opportunity to do that. Yes, they are packed with projects, exams and deadlines, but if you live as if all experiences occur to bring you closer to yourself, then you can access a deeper level of awareness and learn what architecture school does not teach you. By choosing this path, you will gradually dissolve your conditioning and re-connect to an innate sense of clarity. In this state, you are clear about who you are and can make choices from the very centre of your being.
This makes you a powerful catalyst for change and transformation for the times ahead.
Within short videos, I am sharing my personal journey of my time at architecture school and beyond, with the intention to inspire you to go within. Click through the videos below and come on this journey with me, let’s grow together! Want to get involved?
The Architecture industry is undergoing a major shift + we need to join forces in order to raise the quality of the (building) industry + shape our planet in meaningful ways. I would love to see our industry as an inspiring + rewarding place to be where we dream together, empower each other + ultimately make this world more in love with itself again.
We are facing a time of upheaval + uncertainty where inner stability + clarity are crucial. This episode serves as a base for the upcoming lessons/stories + suggests how each one of you knows deep down what we are + want, but you are not conscious of it due to layers of social conditioning. Self-awareness is key + implies a mindset shift in order to create a steady flow of 'becoming'. This means getting rid of habits, changing beliefs + peeling off layers of conditioning which leaves you with a pure, all-knowing core of Self.
Architecture studies + the industry overall can be very competitive, so it can be difficult not to get caught up in a rat race of comparing yourself to your colleague's skills + abilities. This episode demonstrates what you can do instead: bring out the best in yourself + contribute to the puzzle with your unique strengths + capabilities!
Architecture studies can be a struggle between believing in yourself + your work or doubting yourself + your work completely. This episode demonstrates how self-doubt is normal + very necessary for progress & innovation. By simply questioning your doubts upfront, you can learn more about yourself + use them to expand. All you’ll ever need is already in you.
In an era of individualism, the importance of finding + cultivating your tribe cannot be emphasized enough. This episode demonstrates how you can find connection at school/work + use the universal law of attraction to attract ‘your people’ into your life. Ultimately it is the ability to connect that lays the internal foundation to create (built) environments that connect + nourish in return.
The vast majority of society goes through life on autopilot, out of convenience, but the 21st century is an era of major change where architects + designers need to stand up + challenge the status quo. Just like pc’s, we also need to regularly upgrade our internal softwares in order to be bold + reality-bending radicals. Check out this episode to upgrade your mental operation system!
What if solving our (global) problems is not just a matter of innovation + progress but also a matter of self-knowledge + awareness? We can create enormous change when we become conscious of how + where we can contribute best with our innate talents, passions + interests. You have a unique combination of natural talents, strengths + interests, and in this episode I'm happy to share with you how I found mine, so you can find yours.
Do you think it is a coincidence that some topics feel more fun to you, that some activities come more natural to you, that you feel so compassionate about certain topics? You have so many different expressions within you + it's easier than you think to unlock them. All it takes is a mindset shift + some action. This episode will teach you how to get closer to your inherent expression + therefore closer to your true calling. Are you ready?
Are you one of those multi-passionate people who want to do so many things in their life? You don't know how + when to accommodate all your interests? Been there, done that. Being the way you are is actually your gift! Within this episode I propose some strategies + mindset tricks, so listen up if you need some clarity on how to handle your crazy.
While your passions are precious + beautiful, some of them are worth monetizing + some of them are simply to be kept as a hobby. How do you know when your passion can stand the 'passion test' + has the potential for an actual career? Within this episode, I propose 2 steps on how to determine whether your passion has potential + give you insight on how to create a compelling mission + vision statement.
In this episode, I talk about my massive breakdown during my studies that encouraged me to rethink my beliefs + habits. In a world that encourages 'faster' + 'more', it can become difficult to know when to slow down. Architecture studies + the industry itself can be very stressful at times, but by cultivating a strong mindset + connection of mind-body-spirit, we can actually ‘do more by doing less'.
Sometimes we need to reach a low point in order to gain awareness. For me, my breakdown felt as if I've failed as I labelled it as 'bad'. We are so conditioned by society to avoid failure at all costs, but what if it is a blessing in disguise with a hidden treasure? This episode is about the link between creativity + failure, thus how you as an architect/designer/creative can use it to your advantage by simply changing your view of it. By guiding you through a simple visualization technique that I use on a regular basis, you may return back to your inner peace in order to remember who you are.
The study trip to India was an eye-opener. By actually meeting the community 1-on-1, I realized what I had forgotten all the way: that by studying Architecture I am designing ‘for’ people. The challenge is to remember what that really means + how we can shift Architecture from separation to connectedness. In this episode, I reflect on how architects can shift from selfish self-expression to collaborative creations + community potential.
In India, our TukTuk driver proposed to visit a guru. I said 'Yes, sure' - same day I find myself having one of the most bizarre 30 minutes of my life with a person who prophesizes: My memory will deteriorate over the next months. Little did I know that 3 weeks later back in Holland, I could hardly distinguish a floorplan from a section. This episode is all about how an unexpected guru visit can lead to great insights + messages that potentially make or break a (future) architect.
Teamwork can be energizing + fun, but also draining + conflict-ridden. It can bring out the best + the worst in you. As a poor teamwork experience at school led me down a spiral of disbelief, I learnt a lot of lessons that, ultimately, empowered me. This episode suggests how interpersonal issues are your best education to improve your character, learn to communicate + adapt quickly to different professionals.